Yvetta Simonyan

PhD (London Business School)


2013 Ph.D. in Marketing, London Business School

2008 Masters in Marketing, London Business School

2008 Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality in Psychology and Economics,
Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany

2001 MBA, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

1994 Diploma with Honors, Pharmacy, Yerevan State Medical University, Yerevan, Armenia


Consumer behavior: charitable giving, consumer response to marketing promotions, marketing ethics

Behavioral decision making: inferences about brands from memory


The Charity Beauty Premium: Satisfying Donors' Want versus Should Desires, with Cynthia Cryder (University of Washington, St Louis) and Simona Botti (London Business School)

Worse Than Bad: Inferences About Brand Quality Based on Information in Memory, with Daniel G. Goldstein (Microsoft Research)

Memory-Based Models of Predicting Inferences About Brand Quality, with Daniel G. Goldstein (Microsoft Research)


Charitable Giving for Animal Conservation: Field Study

The Devil You Know: Struggles of Unfamiliar Brands, with Daniel G. Goldstein (Microsoft Research)

Crossing Moral Limits in a “Price-Tag” Society: Effect On Consumers’ Perception Of Companies’ CSR, with Craig Smith (INSEAD)

The Effect of Marketing Promotions On People’s Helping Behavior”

Factors Affecting the Help-Seeking Behavior of Older and Less Able Consumers, with Isabelle Szmigin (University of Birmingham)

The Impact of Money Reminders on the Outcomes of Market Research, with Daniel G. Goldstein (Microsoft Research)


The Charity Beauty Premium: Satisfying Donors' Want versus Should Desires, Social Innovation Centre and Marketing Department Joint Research Seminar, INSEAD (Forthcoming, December 2016)

Quality Inferences About Brands from Memory, Academy of Marketing (AM) Conference, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK (July 2016)

The Charity Beauty Premium, Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM) 36th Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, USA (November 2015)

Quality Inferences About Universities and Consumer Brands from Memory, Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision Making (SPUDM) Conference, Budapest, Hungary (August 2015)

The Charity Beauty Premium, 14th Behavioral Decision Research in Management (BDRM) Conference, London, UK (July 2014)

Worse Than Bad: Inferences About Product Quality from Memory, 43th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Valencia, Spain (June 2014)

Worse Than Bad: Inferences About Product Quality from Memory, Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, USA (May 2014)

Giving to What We Want Instead of to What We Should, Association for Consumer Research (ACR) North American Conference, Chicago, IL, USA (October 2013)

Beauty Premium and Charity Donations: Giving to What We Want Instead of to What We Should, Internal research seminar, Birmingham Business School, Birmingham, UK (April 2013)

Inferences About Brand Quality: Is the Devil You Know Better Than the Devil You Don’t? The 12th Annual Trans-Atlantic Doctoral Conference, London Business School, London, UK (May 2012)

Inferences About Brand Quality: Is All Recognition Good Recognition? Doctoral Student Symposium, Association for Consumer Research (ACR) North American Conference, St. Louis, MO (October 2011)

Inferences About Brand Quality from Memory, Marketing Department Internal Seminar, London Business School, London, UK (May 2011)

Filling in the Missing Values: Belief Distributions About Recognized and Unrecognized Universities, Behavioral Decision Research in Management (BDRM) Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (June 2010)

Predicting Inferences About Business Schools: Recognition Vs. Mean-Variance Model, The 10th Annual Trans-Atlantic Doctoral Conference, London Business School, London, UK (May 2010)

Filling in the Missing Values: Belief Distributions About Recognized and Unrecognized Universities, Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM) 30th Annual Conference, Boston, MA, USA (November 2009)

Recognition as A Predictor of Inferences for Business Schools, European Marketing Academy (EMAC) 22nd Doctoral Colloquium, Nantes, France (May 2009)

Distributions in the Environment: How Are They Represented in the Mind? The 7th Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality in Psychology and Economics, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany (July 2008)

Impact of Money Priming On the Outcomes of Market Research, The 8th Annual Trans-Atlantic Doctoral Conference, London Business School, London, UK (May 2008)


ESRC Impact Acceleration Fund grant, 2015-2016

Knowledge & Innovation Fund grant, University of Birmingham, 2015, 2016

PhD scholarship, London Business School, 2006-2012

AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium Fellow, 2009

European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Doctoral Colloquium Fellow, 2009

Outstanding MBA student, 2001, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society, 2001, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

E. Muskie/FSA Graduate Fellowship (funded by the USA Government), 1999-2001

Distinction Scholarship, 1989-1994, Yerevan State Medical Institute


University of Bath, School of Management, Bath, UK
2017-present Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor
- Teaching Digital Marketing
- Supervising MSc student projects

University of Birmingham, Birmingham Business School, Birmingham, UK
2012-2017 Lecturer
- Teaching Marketing Communications and Brand Marketing (MSc and Undergraduate levels)
- Supervising undergraduate and MSc student dissertations

London Business School, London, UK
2010-2012 Seminar instructor / Teaching assistant for Marketing Analysis and Planning course (Master in Management program) and Marketing Core (MBA program)
- Lectured in weekly seminars
- Tutored in Markstrat workshops
- Prepared seminar materials and graded assignments and exams

2004-2006 Joint Program of Texas A&M University and ASAU, Yerevan, Armenia
- Taught Principles of Marketing, Marketing Management, and E-commerce undergraduate and graduate courses
- Supervised student projects, supporting the needs of local businesses


United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Armenia
2004-2006 Market Research Analyst
- Designed and conducted market research projects investigating changes in consumer buying behavior and consumption for agricultural products during the outbreaks of avian flu.
- Supervised the design and development of marketing communication platforms for small businesses in the agricultural sector.

Management Services Group, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA
2001-2003 Market Researcher
- Analyzed market research data on consumer experience and perceptions among general public and medical staff for a major hospital.
- Collected and analyzed industry-specific market research data while assisting SMEs in business plan preparation.

Richter-Lambron, Armenia
1997-1999 Pharmaceuticals sales adviser
- Promoted pharmaceutical and cosmetic products to business clients and healthcare professionals.
- Analyzed market potential for new geographical areas based on the distribution channels’ size and density.


2014-2017 Market researcher / Data analyst for The World Primate Center / Twycross Zoo, UK, within ESRC Impact Acceleration secondment project

2010-present Ad-hoc reviewer for the Judgment and Decision Making journal, Association for Consumer Research (ACR), European Marketing Academy (EMAC), and American Marketing Association (AMA) conferences

2006-2012 Lead organizer / Organizing committee member / Reviewer for Annual Trans-Atlantic Doctoral Conference at London Business School, London, UK

University of Bath School of Management London Business School Trans-Atlantic Doctoral Conference